Tuesday, August 11, 2009

After all this time

So, I'm back! I left my other blog (the londonblog) that I did for the SA newspaper to someone else, because... I'm not in London anymore! I am now in Belgium, in a small town neer Brussels, called Overijse. It's a long story, that I will tell when I have more time. A lot has changed, but I am still traveling and on a mission to explore the world while I am "young and unattached". This time, though, I came all alone. No brother or long lost friends to meet up with, just me on my own little mission. It's going to get lonely at times, I know. And, like always, the days will come that I just want to give up and go home (nothing new, please excuse my occasional complaining!).

There are some new adventures waiting for me! People to meet, places to see and since all of my friends are now either in SA or in England, I spend much more time on the net, chatting on skype or keeping up to date on facebook, so don't worry: This time, I'll keep in touch!

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