Saturday, October 11, 2008


This was a sad picture. An excellent violinist, standing outside Embankment Station at midnight with an electrical violin and a small monitor. He obviously doesn't even have enough money to take care of his violin properly. I was wondering how he gets such a beautiful sound out of his instrument with that broken bow. The few hair that's still left on his bow is held together by masking tape. How does a musician with so much talent and potential end up here? Walking along the streets at midnight, you can hear the sounds of musicians on the sidewalks and bridges. Trumpets, accordians, guitars, violins... sad little tunes floating through the dark, echoeing over the water of the river. It makes me wonder: Is it a lack of ambition or a lack of opportunity that drives them to the streets? Maybe it's just the pleasure of playing their music, anywhere, anytime, dedicating their talent to the night.

(I turned the camera upside down again. Sorry! I always forget!)

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