See, I was paging back to a few of my first posts on this blog and I realised how everything has changed in the past three months. I look at the previous pictures and I see myself as a traveller: Traveling through the streets of London for the first time and everything is new and exciting. I look terrible, because I'm living out of a suitcase, wearing the same clothes over and over, not having the time or place to style my hair properly or put on a bit of make-up. Feeling very unsure about everything, living in a low budget hostel, missing home, missing my comfort zone, but enjoying every moment of it, because everything was one big adventure. Today is exactly 116 days since my first arrival in London and everything is different. I have a home with my own bed and my own space, I have a routined life with a job and an income, I've come to know the streets of London and became used to the culture and the surroundings - I have created a new comfort zone for myself. I am still missing home, but I have become accustomed to it.
My circumstances have changed completely, but that is not important. The thing that has changed the most is my mindset. I've read through my post, Contradicting my self-image, again and realised how much confusion and disorientation I am facing in my life. A lot of it may be caused by pride and bitterness and because I have subconciously formed expectations of my life, that have not come true the way I expected it to be. I have thought about these things a lot and realised that I will not find the answers unless I change my current mindset completely. I have come to England to take a break, to see places and do things that I would otherwise never have done, to free myself from all the barriers that kept me from living my life to the fullest. I broke away from everything that was me, in order to find a new me, and at the end, what do I find myself doing? I was trying so hard to find some instant answers, that I was simply closing myself off to the exact thing I was looking for. Instead of letting myself be free and just enjoying my current day-to-day life, I found myself worrying about life, about the future, about my career and about who I am and what I am doing here, becoming more and more trapped in the cage of my thoughts and my own little space.
So, I decided to spend some quality time with London and the two of us seem to get along quite well after all. The past few days I have been focusing on taking some time off to see the parks and open spaces, while the last of the warm autumn sun is still with us. I have made a promise to London: That I will stop blaming him for my unfulfilled expectations and my bitterness in life, and start enjoying everything he has to offer me while time is on my side. And what do you know... my dear new friend has shown me a little bit of myself in his streets and the parks. From now on whenever I have the time, even if it's just for an hour or two before I go to work, I will spend some time with London.
The footpaths and walkways in Rotherhithe, where I live.
Southwark Park
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